initialize***/ },function(){ Picarden er en selvstændig hund, som kender sit værd. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3").css({height: ((sliderwidth) * str)}); Other. Les amis du Berger picard est 1 club de race du Berger Picard basé à Ecueille (36240) en France. ALTORF (67120) les 26 et 27 septembre 2020 . jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity' : 1, 'z-index' : 2}); jQuery(nextVideo).vimeo('play'); [Les Amis du Berger Picard Club de Race affilie a la Societe Centrale Canine] Temperament. if (typeof[domPrefixes[i] + prop] !== 'undefined') { jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_3 + "_3").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_3").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3"); /*HOVER SLIDESHOW*/ newRowHeight += add; Berger Picard Club of the United States - UKC Breed Club. Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ ‹ Newer Post Older Post › Beranda. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").css({width: (sliderwidth)}); Clubs throughout Europe have since helped in rebuilding the Berger picard. jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, filter: 'Alpha(opacity=0)', 'z-index': 1}); The expression should be lively and alert where the characterist beard and eyebrows emphasize it all. jQuery(current_image_class).css({'z-index': 'none'}); staticthumbWidth=jQuery('#huge_it_thumb_slider>li').width() } 'onReady': window['onPlayerReady'+el_id], }; }else{ }()); huge_it_sliceV_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery('.huge-it-iframe.autoplay').each(function(){ 1 K J’aime. Plus d'infos sur le site internet */ /*** initialize And youtube autopay ***/ var showinfo = HUGEIT_YT_IFRAMES['iframe'+el_id]['showinfo']; // Browser vendor CSS prefixes. Join Facebook to connect with Richard Capel and others you may know. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_thumbnails_3").css({width: thumbWidth}); /*if('off' == 'on') Aug 29, 2014 - Best known as the title character in the 2005 film Because of Winn-Dixie, this rustic dog is one of the oldest French breeds of sheep-herding dogs. huge_it_move_dots_3(); Grand Prix SCC de Pistage 2020. //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").after(" -- time left ---- "); if (direction == 'right') { jQuery(next_image_class).css('opacity', 1); Log In. huge_it_kaleidoscope_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); function huge_it_after_trans() { huge_it_grid_3(10, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); }); jQuery('#huge_it_slideshow_left_3').on('click',function(){ jQuery(window).blur(function() { } var translateX = 'min-auto'; function huge_it_grid_3(cols, rows, ro, tx, ty, sc, op, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(window).load(function () { } */; if (newRowRemainder > 0) { var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); function huge_it_change_image_3(current_key, key, data_3, from_effect,clicked) { imgSrc = cur_img.attr('src'),/*.replace('/thumb', ''),*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_3").html(data_3[key]["description"]); huge_it_grid_3(1, 8, 0, translateX, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); Create New Account. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_3,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item2_3").css({ } ↑ 2.0 2.1 Berger Picard Club of America ↑ Les Amis du Berger Picard Club de Race affilie a la Societe Centrale Canine ↑ 4.0 4.1 Jacques SENECAT Extraits du catalogue de la première Nationale d'Elevage et de sélection MONTILS le 3 septembre 1967 ↑ Hartnagle-Taylor, Jeanne Joy; Taylor, Ty (2010). */ jQuery(this).height(sliderwidth * str); */ En picard ska vara medelstor och rustik men aldrig tung. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_3").html(data_3[key]["alt"]); Canine Health Information Center. D’aspect rustique mais non moins élégant dans sa silhouette harmonieuse et son allure légère, le berger picard est bien musclé et doté d’une ossature charpentée, avec un faciès séduisant laissant transparaître un esprit vif et éveillé qui pétille d’intelligence. } if(jQuery('.huge-it-iframe-vimeo.autoplay').length) { ty = ty === 'auto' ? var huge_interval ={}; backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").after(" --IN TRANSACTION--
"); /* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius). RESULTAT DU CHAMPIONNAT DE FRANCE de DIJON Berger de Picardie Classe JEUNE MALE Juge : M. SCHWARTZ Daniel 1er EXCELLENT JAURES DE MONTRIBOIS Prop : Mme GAUDOT Anne-Marie - Prod : Mme GAUDOT Anne-Marie Les Amis Du Berger Picard. var huge_it_transition_duration_3 = 1000; }); transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px) rotateX('+ wrx +'deg) rotateY('+ wry +'deg)' transform : 'translateY(' + nty + 'px) translateX(' + ntx + 'px) rotateY('+ nry +'deg) rotateX('+ nrx +'deg)' jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_3, .huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3 img").css({ var streffect='kaleidoscope'; } Nous sommes aussi membre du club français Les Amis du Berger Picard. huge_it_change_image_3(key[0], key[1], data_3, true,false); See more ideas about herding dogs, dogs, breeds. Mais en 1955, une scission se produit, et M. MONTENOT fonde en 1956 l'actuel Club " Les Amis du Berger Picard ". jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_right_3").css({'display':'none'}); var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); Sommaire Présentation B Picard en image Etalons Reproductrices Nos espoirs Résultats beauté -travail. /*event_stack_3 = [];*/ ; Représentants du CABP à l’étranger; Clubs Étrangers: coordonnés des présidents. Infos générales officielles du Club les Amis du Berger Picard ! } jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").css({ add = newRowRemainder >= rowAdd ? Gefällt 1.117 Mal. Créer un compte. function huge_it_blindH_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(window).focus(function() { }, '5000'); function huge_it_none_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { grid.children().css({ var translateY = 'min-auto'; Although she is very young she knows she has to keep the sheep together and works very hard … var pausehover="on"; } else if (direction == 'left') { img_topDst -= newRowHeight; jQuery( window ).load(function() { page of the French breed club "Les amis du Berger Picard" June 22nd, 2008 The beginning of a wonderful adventure! */ Les Amis Du Berger Picard. } height: 100%; We are also members of the French Club Les Amis du Berger Picard. (function VimeoOptionsReady(){ //calling funtion once } vimeo1.vimeo('play'); jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend otransitionend oTransitionEnd mstransitionend', jQuery.proxy(huge_it_after_trans));; } ty = ty === 'min-auto' ? Tiu raso de hundo estas popol … } clearInterval(setplayVideo); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_3 + "_3").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_3").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3"); Debbie Dwight … jQuery(current_image_class).removeAttr('style'); if (typeof event_stack_3 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_3.length > 0) { img_topDst = (jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").height() - cur_img.height()) / 2, jQuery(function(){ var ifhasthumb ="nonav"; */ */ .play-button-slider{ Il en assumera la présidence jusqu'en 1965, date à laquelle il sera relayé par M. SENECAT. var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); colAdd = Math.ceil(colRemainder / cols), else if (direction == 'left') { window.clearInterval(huge_interval['huge_it_playInterval_'+3]); jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").css('perspective', 1000); current_key = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3").attr("data-image_key"); jQuery(next_image_class).animate({ rowAdd : rowRemainder; ; Délégués régionales: accueil des exposants, représentation du club dans les régions. if(typeof sliderID_array =="undefined"){ jQuery(next_image_class).removeAttr('style'); /*if (huge_it_from_focus_3) { jQuery(current_image_class).animate({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index' : 1}, huge_it_transition_duration_3); specialist, created the “Les Amis du Berger Picard” Club in 1955. huge_it_trans_in_progress_3 = false; huge_it_popup_resize_3(); left:0; } } Superleuk, Team DSR Formation, Ongelooflijk, The Dodo, Menuiserie Anserienne, Santé+ Magazine, Les Amis Du Berger Picard, Eén, Radio 2, Dierenwereld, Hihihii, Missing You vzw, In The Know, Berger Picard De La Rivière Authie, Belfloors, Aquagroup, Bertrand Beuns Educateur canin professionnel-zoothérapeute, Idées de génie, Salon de toilettage beauté royale, … if (typeof event_stack_3 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_3.length > 0) { var setplayVideo = setInterval(hugeitframe, 100); jQuery(this).vimeo('setColor',HUGEIT_VIMEOS['iframe'+el_id]['color']); var data_3 = []; newRowRemainder = rowRemainder; Cette page comporte 5 sections : Délégué à l’Information: récolte des informations naissances, cotation. }); return false; event_stack_3.shift(); Nous sommes aussi membre du club français Les Amis du Berger Picard. jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3, .huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3, .huge_it_slideshow_dots_container_3,#huge_it_slideshow_right_3,#huge_it_slideshow_left_3").hover(function(){ */ }); }); jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index': 1}); May 22 at 11:06 PM. } } /* If browser does not support 3d transforms/CSS transitions. var str=(375/staticsliderwidth); Copyright © 2020 Le club "Les Amis du Berger Picard" est heureux de vous accueillir sur son site. height: '375', } Maison Sims 4 Télécharger, Climat Madagascar Octobre, Sortie île De Ré, Déco Salon Vintage Moderne, Température Istanbul Septembre, Ben Jerry's Cinnamon Buns, Web Designer Formation Bruxelles, Prix D'architecture 2020, Staff Croisé Husky Prix, Formations Hors Parcoursup 2020, Magasin Usine Romans Chaussures, Formation Animation 3d à Distance, Fpsg Saint Denis, En savoir plus sur le sujetGo-To-Market – Tips & tricks to break into your marketLes 3 défis du chef produit en 2020 (2)Knowing the High Tech Customer and the psychology of new product adoptionLes 3 défis du chef produit en 2020 (1)" /> initialize***/ },function(){ Picarden er en selvstændig hund, som kender sit værd. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3").css({height: ((sliderwidth) * str)}); Other. Les amis du Berger picard est 1 club de race du Berger Picard basé à Ecueille (36240) en France. ALTORF (67120) les 26 et 27 septembre 2020 . jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity' : 1, 'z-index' : 2}); jQuery(nextVideo).vimeo('play'); [Les Amis du Berger Picard Club de Race affilie a la Societe Centrale Canine] Temperament. if (typeof[domPrefixes[i] + prop] !== 'undefined') { jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_3 + "_3").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_3").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3"); /*HOVER SLIDESHOW*/ newRowHeight += add; Berger Picard Club of the United States - UKC Breed Club. Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ ‹ Newer Post Older Post › Beranda. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").css({width: (sliderwidth)}); Clubs throughout Europe have since helped in rebuilding the Berger picard. jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, filter: 'Alpha(opacity=0)', 'z-index': 1}); The expression should be lively and alert where the characterist beard and eyebrows emphasize it all. jQuery(current_image_class).css({'z-index': 'none'}); staticthumbWidth=jQuery('#huge_it_thumb_slider>li').width() } 'onReady': window['onPlayerReady'+el_id], }; }else{ }()); huge_it_sliceV_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery('.huge-it-iframe.autoplay').each(function(){ 1 K J’aime. Plus d'infos sur le site internet */ /*** initialize And youtube autopay ***/ var showinfo = HUGEIT_YT_IFRAMES['iframe'+el_id]['showinfo']; // Browser vendor CSS prefixes. Join Facebook to connect with Richard Capel and others you may know. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_thumbnails_3").css({width: thumbWidth}); /*if('off' == 'on') Aug 29, 2014 - Best known as the title character in the 2005 film Because of Winn-Dixie, this rustic dog is one of the oldest French breeds of sheep-herding dogs. huge_it_move_dots_3(); Grand Prix SCC de Pistage 2020. //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").after(" -- time left ---- "); if (direction == 'right') { jQuery(next_image_class).css('opacity', 1); Log In. huge_it_kaleidoscope_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); function huge_it_after_trans() { huge_it_grid_3(10, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); }); jQuery('#huge_it_slideshow_left_3').on('click',function(){ jQuery(window).blur(function() { } var translateX = 'min-auto'; function huge_it_grid_3(cols, rows, ro, tx, ty, sc, op, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(window).load(function () { } */; if (newRowRemainder > 0) { var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); function huge_it_change_image_3(current_key, key, data_3, from_effect,clicked) { imgSrc = cur_img.attr('src'),/*.replace('/thumb', ''),*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_3").html(data_3[key]["description"]); huge_it_grid_3(1, 8, 0, translateX, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); Create New Account. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_3,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item2_3").css({ } ↑ 2.0 2.1 Berger Picard Club of America ↑ Les Amis du Berger Picard Club de Race affilie a la Societe Centrale Canine ↑ 4.0 4.1 Jacques SENECAT Extraits du catalogue de la première Nationale d'Elevage et de sélection MONTILS le 3 septembre 1967 ↑ Hartnagle-Taylor, Jeanne Joy; Taylor, Ty (2010). */ jQuery(this).height(sliderwidth * str); */ En picard ska vara medelstor och rustik men aldrig tung. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_3").html(data_3[key]["alt"]); Canine Health Information Center. D’aspect rustique mais non moins élégant dans sa silhouette harmonieuse et son allure légère, le berger picard est bien musclé et doté d’une ossature charpentée, avec un faciès séduisant laissant transparaître un esprit vif et éveillé qui pétille d’intelligence. } if(jQuery('.huge-it-iframe-vimeo.autoplay').length) { ty = ty === 'auto' ? var huge_interval ={}; backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").after(" --IN TRANSACTION--
"); /* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius). RESULTAT DU CHAMPIONNAT DE FRANCE de DIJON Berger de Picardie Classe JEUNE MALE Juge : M. SCHWARTZ Daniel 1er EXCELLENT JAURES DE MONTRIBOIS Prop : Mme GAUDOT Anne-Marie - Prod : Mme GAUDOT Anne-Marie Les Amis Du Berger Picard. var huge_it_transition_duration_3 = 1000; }); transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px) rotateX('+ wrx +'deg) rotateY('+ wry +'deg)' transform : 'translateY(' + nty + 'px) translateX(' + ntx + 'px) rotateY('+ nry +'deg) rotateX('+ nrx +'deg)' jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_3, .huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3 img").css({ var streffect='kaleidoscope'; } Nous sommes aussi membre du club français Les Amis du Berger Picard. huge_it_change_image_3(key[0], key[1], data_3, true,false); See more ideas about herding dogs, dogs, breeds. Mais en 1955, une scission se produit, et M. MONTENOT fonde en 1956 l'actuel Club " Les Amis du Berger Picard ". jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_right_3").css({'display':'none'}); var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); Sommaire Présentation B Picard en image Etalons Reproductrices Nos espoirs Résultats beauté -travail. /*event_stack_3 = [];*/ ; Représentants du CABP à l’étranger; Clubs Étrangers: coordonnés des présidents. Infos générales officielles du Club les Amis du Berger Picard ! } jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").css({ add = newRowRemainder >= rowAdd ? Gefällt 1.117 Mal. Créer un compte. function huge_it_blindH_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(window).focus(function() { }, '5000'); function huge_it_none_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { grid.children().css({ var translateY = 'min-auto'; Although she is very young she knows she has to keep the sheep together and works very hard … var pausehover="on"; } else if (direction == 'left') { img_topDst -= newRowHeight; jQuery( window ).load(function() { page of the French breed club "Les amis du Berger Picard" June 22nd, 2008 The beginning of a wonderful adventure! */ Les Amis Du Berger Picard. } height: 100%; We are also members of the French Club Les Amis du Berger Picard. (function VimeoOptionsReady(){ //calling funtion once } vimeo1.vimeo('play'); jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend otransitionend oTransitionEnd mstransitionend', jQuery.proxy(huge_it_after_trans));; } ty = ty === 'min-auto' ? Tiu raso de hundo estas popol … } clearInterval(setplayVideo); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_3 + "_3").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_3").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3"); Debbie Dwight … jQuery(current_image_class).removeAttr('style'); if (typeof event_stack_3 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_3.length > 0) { img_topDst = (jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").height() - cur_img.height()) / 2, jQuery(function(){ var ifhasthumb ="nonav"; */ */ .play-button-slider{ Il en assumera la présidence jusqu'en 1965, date à laquelle il sera relayé par M. SENECAT. var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); colAdd = Math.ceil(colRemainder / cols), else if (direction == 'left') { window.clearInterval(huge_interval['huge_it_playInterval_'+3]); jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").css('perspective', 1000); current_key = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3").attr("data-image_key"); jQuery(next_image_class).animate({ rowAdd : rowRemainder; ; Délégués régionales: accueil des exposants, représentation du club dans les régions. if(typeof sliderID_array =="undefined"){ jQuery(next_image_class).removeAttr('style'); /*if (huge_it_from_focus_3) { jQuery(current_image_class).animate({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index' : 1}, huge_it_transition_duration_3); specialist, created the “Les Amis du Berger Picard” Club in 1955. huge_it_trans_in_progress_3 = false; huge_it_popup_resize_3(); left:0; } } Superleuk, Team DSR Formation, Ongelooflijk, The Dodo, Menuiserie Anserienne, Santé+ Magazine, Les Amis Du Berger Picard, Eén, Radio 2, Dierenwereld, Hihihii, Missing You vzw, In The Know, Berger Picard De La Rivière Authie, Belfloors, Aquagroup, Bertrand Beuns Educateur canin professionnel-zoothérapeute, Idées de génie, Salon de toilettage beauté royale, … if (typeof event_stack_3 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_3.length > 0) { var setplayVideo = setInterval(hugeitframe, 100); jQuery(this).vimeo('setColor',HUGEIT_VIMEOS['iframe'+el_id]['color']); var data_3 = []; newRowRemainder = rowRemainder; Cette page comporte 5 sections : Délégué à l’Information: récolte des informations naissances, cotation. }); return false; event_stack_3.shift(); Nous sommes aussi membre du club français Les Amis du Berger Picard. jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3, .huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3, .huge_it_slideshow_dots_container_3,#huge_it_slideshow_right_3,#huge_it_slideshow_left_3").hover(function(){ */ }); }); jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index': 1}); May 22 at 11:06 PM. } } /* If browser does not support 3d transforms/CSS transitions. var str=(375/staticsliderwidth); Copyright © 2020 Le club "Les Amis du Berger Picard" est heureux de vous accueillir sur son site. height: '375', } Maison Sims 4 Télécharger, Climat Madagascar Octobre, Sortie île De Ré, Déco Salon Vintage Moderne, Température Istanbul Septembre, Ben Jerry's Cinnamon Buns, Web Designer Formation Bruxelles, Prix D'architecture 2020, Staff Croisé Husky Prix, Formations Hors Parcoursup 2020, Magasin Usine Romans Chaussures, Formation Animation 3d à Distance, Fpsg Saint Denis, En savoir plus sur le sujetGo-To-Market – Tips & tricks to break into your marketLes 3 défis du chef produit en 2020 (2)Knowing the High Tech Customer and the psychology of new product adoptionLes 3 défis du chef produit en 2020 (1)" />

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img_leftDist = (jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").width() - cur_img.width()) / 2; //alert(thumbHeight) Berger picard. jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").css({ newColWidth += add; Picarden er stadig en sjælden hund. jQuery(".bx-viewport").css({height: thumbWidth*str2}); jQuery(window).focus(function() { Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre pour cet événement important dans la vie de notre club, ne tardez pas a vous inscrire, et n’hésitez pas à stimuler vos connaissances pour venir y participer. in the late 1950's, The French parent Club, Les Amis du Berger Picard was established. window.clearInterval(huge_interval['huge_it_playInterval_'+3]); /* For browsers that does not support transitions. } Élevage des Picardiers. huge_it_grid_3(8, 6, 0, 0, 0, .6, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); La tête est proportionnée à la taille ; le stop est très léger, le front légèrement bombé. var i = domPrefixes.length; Egenskaber. //alert(current_image_class+' '+next_image_class); Club Suisse du Berger Picard - Swiss Breed Club. huge_it_cube_3(dimension, -dimension, 0, 0, -90, 0, 90, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); /* Create & append gridlet to grid. window['onPlayerStateChange'+el_id] = function(event) { transform : 'translateZ(' + tz + 'px)', (parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_3').val()) - iterator_3()) % data_3.length : data_3.length - 1, data_3,false,true); } }else { /*** initialize***/ },function(){ Picarden er en selvstændig hund, som kender sit værd. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3").css({height: ((sliderwidth) * str)}); Other. Les amis du Berger picard est 1 club de race du Berger Picard basé à Ecueille (36240) en France. ALTORF (67120) les 26 et 27 septembre 2020 . jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity' : 1, 'z-index' : 2}); jQuery(nextVideo).vimeo('play'); [Les Amis du Berger Picard Club de Race affilie a la Societe Centrale Canine] Temperament. if (typeof[domPrefixes[i] + prop] !== 'undefined') { jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_3 + "_3").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_3").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3"); /*HOVER SLIDESHOW*/ newRowHeight += add; Berger Picard Club of the United States - UKC Breed Club. Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ ‹ Newer Post Older Post › Beranda. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").css({width: (sliderwidth)}); Clubs throughout Europe have since helped in rebuilding the Berger picard. jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, filter: 'Alpha(opacity=0)', 'z-index': 1}); The expression should be lively and alert where the characterist beard and eyebrows emphasize it all. jQuery(current_image_class).css({'z-index': 'none'}); staticthumbWidth=jQuery('#huge_it_thumb_slider>li').width() } 'onReady': window['onPlayerReady'+el_id], }; }else{ }()); huge_it_sliceV_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery('.huge-it-iframe.autoplay').each(function(){ 1 K J’aime. Plus d'infos sur le site internet */ /*** initialize And youtube autopay ***/ var showinfo = HUGEIT_YT_IFRAMES['iframe'+el_id]['showinfo']; // Browser vendor CSS prefixes. Join Facebook to connect with Richard Capel and others you may know. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_thumbnails_3").css({width: thumbWidth}); /*if('off' == 'on') Aug 29, 2014 - Best known as the title character in the 2005 film Because of Winn-Dixie, this rustic dog is one of the oldest French breeds of sheep-herding dogs. huge_it_move_dots_3(); Grand Prix SCC de Pistage 2020. //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").after(" -- time left ---- "); if (direction == 'right') { jQuery(next_image_class).css('opacity', 1); Log In. huge_it_kaleidoscope_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); function huge_it_after_trans() { huge_it_grid_3(10, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); }); jQuery('#huge_it_slideshow_left_3').on('click',function(){ jQuery(window).blur(function() { } var translateX = 'min-auto'; function huge_it_grid_3(cols, rows, ro, tx, ty, sc, op, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(window).load(function () { } */; if (newRowRemainder > 0) { var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); function huge_it_change_image_3(current_key, key, data_3, from_effect,clicked) { imgSrc = cur_img.attr('src'),/*.replace('/thumb', ''),*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_3").html(data_3[key]["description"]); huge_it_grid_3(1, 8, 0, translateX, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); Create New Account. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_3,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item2_3").css({ } ↑ 2.0 2.1 Berger Picard Club of America ↑ Les Amis du Berger Picard Club de Race affilie a la Societe Centrale Canine ↑ 4.0 4.1 Jacques SENECAT Extraits du catalogue de la première Nationale d'Elevage et de sélection MONTILS le 3 septembre 1967 ↑ Hartnagle-Taylor, Jeanne Joy; Taylor, Ty (2010). */ jQuery(this).height(sliderwidth * str); */ En picard ska vara medelstor och rustik men aldrig tung. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_3").html(data_3[key]["alt"]); Canine Health Information Center. D’aspect rustique mais non moins élégant dans sa silhouette harmonieuse et son allure légère, le berger picard est bien musclé et doté d’une ossature charpentée, avec un faciès séduisant laissant transparaître un esprit vif et éveillé qui pétille d’intelligence. } if(jQuery('.huge-it-iframe-vimeo.autoplay').length) { ty = ty === 'auto' ? var huge_interval ={}; backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_3").after(" --IN TRANSACTION--
"); /* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius). RESULTAT DU CHAMPIONNAT DE FRANCE de DIJON Berger de Picardie Classe JEUNE MALE Juge : M. SCHWARTZ Daniel 1er EXCELLENT JAURES DE MONTRIBOIS Prop : Mme GAUDOT Anne-Marie - Prod : Mme GAUDOT Anne-Marie Les Amis Du Berger Picard. var huge_it_transition_duration_3 = 1000; }); transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px) rotateX('+ wrx +'deg) rotateY('+ wry +'deg)' transform : 'translateY(' + nty + 'px) translateX(' + ntx + 'px) rotateY('+ nry +'deg) rotateX('+ nrx +'deg)' jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_3, .huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3 img").css({ var streffect='kaleidoscope'; } Nous sommes aussi membre du club français Les Amis du Berger Picard. huge_it_change_image_3(key[0], key[1], data_3, true,false); See more ideas about herding dogs, dogs, breeds. Mais en 1955, une scission se produit, et M. MONTENOT fonde en 1956 l'actuel Club " Les Amis du Berger Picard ". jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_right_3").css({'display':'none'}); var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); Sommaire Présentation B Picard en image Etalons Reproductrices Nos espoirs Résultats beauté -travail. /*event_stack_3 = [];*/ ; Représentants du CABP à l’étranger; Clubs Étrangers: coordonnés des présidents. Infos générales officielles du Club les Amis du Berger Picard ! } jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").css({ add = newRowRemainder >= rowAdd ? Gefällt 1.117 Mal. Créer un compte. function huge_it_blindH_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(window).focus(function() { }, '5000'); function huge_it_none_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { grid.children().css({ var translateY = 'min-auto'; Although she is very young she knows she has to keep the sheep together and works very hard … var pausehover="on"; } else if (direction == 'left') { img_topDst -= newRowHeight; jQuery( window ).load(function() { page of the French breed club "Les amis du Berger Picard" June 22nd, 2008 The beginning of a wonderful adventure! */ Les Amis Du Berger Picard. } height: 100%; We are also members of the French Club Les Amis du Berger Picard. (function VimeoOptionsReady(){ //calling funtion once } vimeo1.vimeo('play'); jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend otransitionend oTransitionEnd mstransitionend', jQuery.proxy(huge_it_after_trans));; } ty = ty === 'min-auto' ? Tiu raso de hundo estas popol … } clearInterval(setplayVideo); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_3 + "_3").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_3").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3"); Debbie Dwight … jQuery(current_image_class).removeAttr('style'); if (typeof event_stack_3 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_3.length > 0) { img_topDst = (jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").height() - cur_img.height()) / 2, jQuery(function(){ var ifhasthumb ="nonav"; */ */ .play-button-slider{ Il en assumera la présidence jusqu'en 1965, date à laquelle il sera relayé par M. SENECAT. var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); colAdd = Math.ceil(colRemainder / cols), else if (direction == 'left') { window.clearInterval(huge_interval['huge_it_playInterval_'+3]); jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_3").css('perspective', 1000); current_key = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3").attr("data-image_key"); jQuery(next_image_class).animate({ rowAdd : rowRemainder; ; Délégués régionales: accueil des exposants, représentation du club dans les régions. if(typeof sliderID_array =="undefined"){ jQuery(next_image_class).removeAttr('style'); /*if (huge_it_from_focus_3) { jQuery(current_image_class).animate({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index' : 1}, huge_it_transition_duration_3); specialist, created the “Les Amis du Berger Picard” Club in 1955. huge_it_trans_in_progress_3 = false; huge_it_popup_resize_3(); left:0; } } Superleuk, Team DSR Formation, Ongelooflijk, The Dodo, Menuiserie Anserienne, Santé+ Magazine, Les Amis Du Berger Picard, Eén, Radio 2, Dierenwereld, Hihihii, Missing You vzw, In The Know, Berger Picard De La Rivière Authie, Belfloors, Aquagroup, Bertrand Beuns Educateur canin professionnel-zoothérapeute, Idées de génie, Salon de toilettage beauté royale, … if (typeof event_stack_3 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_3.length > 0) { var setplayVideo = setInterval(hugeitframe, 100); jQuery(this).vimeo('setColor',HUGEIT_VIMEOS['iframe'+el_id]['color']); var data_3 = []; newRowRemainder = rowRemainder; Cette page comporte 5 sections : Délégué à l’Information: récolte des informations naissances, cotation. }); return false; event_stack_3.shift(); Nous sommes aussi membre du club français Les Amis du Berger Picard. jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3, .huge_it_slideshow_image_container_3, .huge_it_slideshow_dots_container_3,#huge_it_slideshow_right_3,#huge_it_slideshow_left_3").hover(function(){ */ }); }); jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index': 1}); May 22 at 11:06 PM. } } /* If browser does not support 3d transforms/CSS transitions. var str=(375/staticsliderwidth); Copyright © 2020 Le club "Les Amis du Berger Picard" est heureux de vous accueillir sur son site. height: '375', }

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